Welcome to The Allegory of The Puzzle 

By Res Cogitans

Allegory of The Puzzle and Reiki I. II.& III. 

by Res Cogitans

<img src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ADQvyt3PDIrVZrxbKRAKGfnlj-EBLQ66/view?usp=sharing" alt="The Allegory of The Puzzle Book. A metaphysical Journey into Reality">

The Allegory of The Puzzle. A Metaphysical Journey into Reality

Eons ago, a cry was heard across the multiverse. Planet earth was being invaded by a wave of lower vibrational consciousness. Millions of star seeds volunteered to come to this planet to take part in raising the frequency to that which could sustain the earth and to rid her of this lower consciousness. Only a handful were selected. We, the star seeds heard this call and have incarnated onto this planet to take part in this grand experiment. You were brought forth into individual consciousness to be co-creators, to manifest an ever-expanding variety of worlds, realities and expression - to add to the richness of the God Mind. At the moment this universe was born, all the cosmic energy that had been allotted to it from beginning to end radiated forth at once. In this respect, the "big bang" theory has merit. All who had been birthed into individual conscious awareness came forth once more infused with the new energies for this universe, as well as a new blueprint for your own. special divine mission. Also sent forth was a great cosmic egg of new souls (just to give you a mind picture), an incubator, you could say. New souls who had never before been birthed into individual consciousness - these were the innocent ones. When it was time to bring forth humanity onto planet Earth, these holy innocent ones were infused, in turn, with the DNA, attributes, traits and characteristics of each new root race or sub-root race.  Just as Neanderthal man was not aware of their evolution to Cro-Magnon, nor are many on this planet aware of their evolution right now.

The planet is changing and so are you. 

<img src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nrV6hmStWamkckL6oNJQiJxCmSjoMJFh/view?usp=sharing" alt="Reiki I. II & III. : The Power to Heal is Within book Cover">

Reiki I, II & III. 

The Power to Heal is Within

All of us have been born with the power to heal ourselves and others. Reiki is the Japanese art that concentrates our Chi or Ki through our hands to allow the healing of others that suffer with chronic pain and many other imbalances. Reiki also helps in balancing a persons energy flow which may reduce pain for those with cancer and other pain, and may ease anxiety and depression. Reiki: The power to Heal is Within starts the history of this amazing practice, continues to the Auric body system, our Chakras, Reiki I, II. and III. symbols and methods of healing. The name Reiki is composed of two Japanese words, Rei and Ki. Rei can mean universal God, Spirit, Divine, Holy, the highest love, consciousness, or whatever the other terminology works for you to express that which is both within us and connects us to what is beyond and bigger than us. Ki refers to life force, energy or life-giving energy. Reiki can then be translated as universal life, force energy, divinely guided energy, spiritually guided life force, energy, etc. Everything we know is made of energy in the form of matter or radiation. Your hands, the ocean, the stars, the furniture in your house, your food, the air we breathe, everything. Most of us learned in elementary school science class that atoms are the basic unit of matter and consistent dense central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively. Charge electrons, the electrons of an atom, are bound to the nucleus by electromagnetic forces and are always moving. Therefore, not only is everything made of energy, but everything is always moving and changing. 

This book also includes Attunements for Reiki I, II and III Reiki Master certification.