Chakras and The Auric Body

Chakras and The Auric Body


A Sanskrit or Hindu word meaning “circle”. A chakra is a vortex or spinning wheel of etheric energy which funnels Prana, the invisible energy of the universe, into and through the subtle fields of our aura and into the physical body via meridian conduits. 

Just as the physical body needs a regular intake of food to energize the organs and muscles, so too does the etheric or spiritual body need a regular intake of Prana to keep it balanced and in harmony with the universe. Each of these seven chakras is energized by the individual octave or resonance of one of the seven colors which make up white light (the seven colors of the rainbow or the white light color spectrum). 

Each chakra has its own unique perspective and intelligence. Since chakras are vibrational in nature, they respond quite well to both color and sound therapy. Each of your seven basic chakras resonates in tune with a specific color and a specific musical tone, and by visualizing the colors and tones of each chakra one by one; you can effectively restore your chakras to their original brightness, clarity, and vitality. This self-tuning method requires use of colors and musical tones. You can either visualize the colors and hum or sing the tones, which are familiar to anyone who ever sang along to the song, “Do-Re-Mi” from the musical “The Sound of Music”. 

Auric Body System

The human soul is connected to more than just the material body. In fact, a further seven subtle bodies are connected to the physical. 

Physical Body

The physical/material body, because of its dense atomic structure, is on the lowest vibrational level.

Etheric Body (lower aspect)

The ethereal body is on the next higher vibrational level. It bridges the connection of the material body to the higher bodies and helps with the control of the material body. The etheric body or sheath is the energy matrix upon which the physical matter of the body tissues is shaped and anchored. The etheric body is in size and shape very similar to the material body and extends only a quarter of an inch (approx. 6 millimeters) outside the skin of the material body. For most people, this body is invisible, while some can see this body as a faint bluish light around the material body.

Emotional Body

The third body of the human being is the emotional body. Its vibrational level is associated with inner feelings. It extends around three inches, (approx. 90 millimeters) from the physical body. This body and all higher bodies can be seen with the third eye, but it usually requires a lot of practice.

Mental Body - (Physical Mental Aspect)

The “lower” mental body (associated with ego) is on the fourth layer. This is the vibrational level of thoughts and mental processes of the ego.

Astral Body

The Astral body is the bridge between the denser or lower vibrations of the physical plane and the finer vibrations of the spiritual planes. The Astral body is associated with the Heart chakra, and is the transforming crucible through which all energy must pass when going from one world to the other. That is, the spiritual energy must pass through the fire of the heart to be transformed into the lower physical energies, and the physical energies (of the lower three Auric layers) must pass through the transformative fire of the heart to become spiritual energies. The “higher” mental body is on the fifth level. On its level we find ideas and the intellect. The following three bodies are the ones that primarily do the processing of the experiences that we make through the use of our material body.