Reiki Level II.

Reiki Level II.

While Reiki I covered the basics and focused on physical healing, Reiki II amplifies your healing abilities, focuses on Emotional Mental Healing and Allows you to do distance healing. In Reiki II, you will learn Reiki 3 symbols. Reiki II can foster significantly greater sensitivity to an awareness of the world around you.

You may begin to pick up on a room's energy the moment you enter it, notice yourself feeling especially empathic, find your intuitive abilities strengthen, have especially vivid and telling dreams, or discover your crown chakra considerably opened. This will continually increase the more you use Reiki. Just as in Reiki I, the magic of Reiki is actually practicing it. After taking Reiki II and utilizing some of the techniques, if you begin to feel and notice things that are new and different to you, know that it is entirely safe, natural, and a beautiful part of your opening experience. Always remember to breathe into and through experiences.

Reiki Level Two focuses on the inner teachings of Usui Reiki Ryoho. Second-degree Reiki is also known as the mental/emotional level. It helps you get in touch with your emotions, become aware of daily life, how it may affect the quality of your life, and heal learned behavior. It also assists you in giving expression to your how intuition patterns your life, and aids in giving expression to your intuition.

Sei He Ki

Sei He Ki

The balance we call life describes the dynamic process of life, the world, and karma.

SEI HE KI is Japanese. The symbol is used to align the body.

It balances the upper four chakras.

SEI - the state of budding, getting there just before the bloom (as in a flower).

HE - the base chakra of balance, foundation, origin of external form.

KI - energy, vital force, resonating to potential harmony, the hidden balance.

Mainly used for emotional healing.

Can be used to plant affirmations to alter negative programming and fears.

Invoke for protection and purification.

Clears negative energy.

Releases spirit attachments.

God and humanity coming together. 

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbol

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (pronounced Hon Sha Zee Show Nen) is made up of 5 Japanese Kanji. It can be translated as no past, no present, no future. When doing distance healing, there is an underlying belief that all time is now in the West. We see ourselves as sending Reiki. In Japan, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is used to becoming one with your client. Use Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen for absentee healing and hand-on sessions. The present moment is very influenced by the past and will influence our future. You can use Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to help surface and thus begin to resolve past issues and to bring healing and positive changes into the future. Visualize your client as he or she wishes to be and use Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to bring this energy into his or her future. This Symbol might look intimidating at first. When you consider it a dance with flow and parts becomes much less complicated and more fluid.