

The majority of people here on planet earth consider death as a tragedy of the highest proportions. We simply don’t understand that life on the other side of the veil is the higher reality, while life here on earth is one of preparation - a learning environment that allows us to gather the much-needed wisdom and understanding required for further development and evolution in our natural home in the higher spiritual realms. 

When we shed the outer garment that is our physical body, we move into finer vibrational zones of the Astral Plane. This sphere of existence consists of a lower, middle, and higher Astral, although each plane actually contains many dimensions of varying vibratory rates. After physical death, most of us reportedly “wake up” in our astral body, living in the specific astral plane in which substance is vibrating at the same rate as the substance of our astral body. This is sometimes called our home frequency. During our lives on Earth and beyond we determine our vibratory rate by our thoughts, attitudes and spiritual understanding. Fear and resentment produce low vibration, while love produces very high vibrations. Orthodox closed-mindedness (whether religious, scientific or political) produces low vibrations. Attachments to worldly things also create low vibrations, while calm detachment in the Eastern tradition produces high vibrations.

 Radio and TV signals fill the room you are in right now, and if your eyes and ears were built a little differently, you would actually be able to see and hear them, just as you can see sunbeams streaming through the window onto the furniture and hear the cat purring on your lap. If you could “see” the radio and TV signals all around you, you would be overwhelmed by the many personalities, comedies, dramas, news programs, and action movies all competing for your attention. 

As it is, the radio and TV signals vary in vibration or frequency, so that each signal remains distinct even though they’re all jumbled together in the same space. That way, the electronic circuits within a TV or radio can tune-in to a distinct signal, allowing us to hear only one program sent by only one station. The signals are separated from each other by frequency, so they can’t overwhelm us. 

The room you’re in is also filled with countless realms of existence beyond the physical world, all teeming with life. And again, if your eyes and ears could see and hear those non-physical realms, the room would be incomprehensibly crowded, and you would be completely overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of the many entities around you. 

Likewise, the many realms of existence (dimensions) all inhabit the same space, but each realm remains distinct by its vibration. In this case it is not a radio or TV frequency, but rather the vibration of consciousness that makes each realm unique and discrete, so that the inhabitants and activities of that realm aren’t disturbed by the many other beings inhabiting other realms, all of which are teeming with life.