Reiki Level I

Reiki Level I.


Just for today...

I will let go of anger...

I will let go of worry...

I will count my many blessings...

I will live honestly...

I will be kind and compassionate to all living things...

The Reiki precepts are the guidelines Usui taught his pupils for their spiritual development. For many, Reiki became a way of life and relates to the world. To integrate Reiki into your life, I encourage you to read all the precepts every day, perhaps as a ritual upon rising. You will find minor variations of the Reiki precepts in different books and Websites.

The name Reiki is composed of two Japanese words, Rei and Ki. The Japanese kanji characters for each are pictured here.

Reiki Symbol Explanation

Rei can mean universal God, Spirit, Divine, Holy, the highest love, consciousness, or whatever the other terminology works for you to express that which is both within us and connects us to what is beyond and bigger than us. Ki refers to life force, energy or life-giving energy. Reiki can then be translated as universal life, force energy, divinely guided energy, spiritually guided life force, energy, etc.

Everything we know is made of energy in the form of matter or radiation. Your hands, the ocean, the stars, the furniture in your house, your food, the air we breathe, everything. Most of us learned in elementary school science class that atoms are the basic unit of matter and consistent dense central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively. Charge electrons, the electrons of an atom, are bound to the nucleus by electromagnetic forces and are always moving. Therefore, not only is everything made of energy, but everything is always moving and changing.

Cho Ku Rei Symbol

Cho Ku Rei (Cho Koo Ray)

The Power Symbol calls on the higher power to heal. It increases the power of Reiki-like a light switch. 

Counterclockwise: Releases blockages & pulls out negativity.

Clockwise: Increases power in one spot. "Place the power here" "God is here".

Increases Power - your ability to access Reiki energy increases many times.

Cho Ku Rei is Tibetan derived from Indian Sanskrit. The circular shape represents a conch shell symbolizing calling to the heavens. This symbol directs and focuses power.

CHO - curved sword, movement

KU - penetrating to make whole, space, nothingness, whirlwind, spiral

REI - Universal soul, spirit, transcendental spirit or mysterious power

CHO KU REI is the void. When calling upon the heavens, the energy is manifested as a spinning movement within the void where all power is created.

CHO KU REI penetrates, cuts through, empowers. It is also used for transformation (dying).