Evolution of the Soul

Evolution of the Soul

Evolution of The Soul

Creation itself is an expansion of our Creator’s thought and self-awareness. The evolution of soul entities is another aspect of this expansion. Through the process of Evolution, individual souls, each a ‘Spark’ of the Creator’s Consciousness, embarks on a journey of exploration and growth, ultimately returning to unity with the Creator, endowed with the fullness of wisdom and experience. 

Through its evolutionary descent into the worlds of materialism the Soul first develops a growing awareness of self as an individual entity. The ego-self gradually becomes more assertive, gaining strength and widening its field of exploration. As it descends into the worlds of density and matter, self-awareness becomes ego-contentedness, developing a desire for personal-gain and superiority, often acquired through aggression, and sometimes, even violence. When all the possibilities of its separate ego-development have been fully explored, the soul can then begin its return journey back up through higher planes to unity, learning the gentler arts of co-operation and sharing with others. The eventual culmination will be its eventual re-unification with the Unity of the Creator as an evolved, compassionate and fully ‘aware’ soul. And so it is that we set out on the great Cycle of Evolution. As the soul or spirit descends into worlds of increasing density and matter, we develop this correspondingly increased sense of individuality.

 During the descent of Spirit, often called the downward arc, there is not only a tendency towards greater materialism, the Spirit involving itself in matter in order to learn to receive impressions through it, but there is also a tendency towards differentiation, the stream of Divine Life dividing and sub-dividing itself into an ever-increasing number of streams lets and units of consciousness. By descending into progressively denser and denser matter, the soul experiences an increasing detachment and loss of contact with the Higher Spheres. At the same time the soul is experiencing a sense of developing separation from other souls and a corresponding increase in the awareness of self, which in turn leads to ego-contentedness. This increasing sensation of self is reinforced by the need to satisfy the requirements of a physical body in a world of dense matter, where food and protection from the elements are essential to survival. Thus, the soul-plus-body combination is forced to focus on self-preservation, which can easily become competitive and exploitative in relationships with others pursuing similar objectives.