The Awakening

The Awakening

The Awakening

Know that you are safe and protected whilst you undergo this discovery. How long this 'letting go' process will take depends on how thick your fortress walls have become. With each stone you remove from your wall you will feel lighter and more joyous. This lightness will encourage you to continue. Come on out! Be realistic and see yourself as you really are. See yourself as a super human, multi-dimensional, evolved, cultured, multi-talented, spiritual being. The fact of the matter is that change is inevitable. The planet is changing and so are you. Scientists will tell you the planetary changes are mainly due to the Greenhouse effect, etc. This is because physical effects are a major part of their perceived picture of reality. But what if planetary and human changes are caused by events outside of the existing belief systems held by the consensus majority on this planet? Are the changes taking place within you an effect of an outer reality or an unseen, unheralded inner reality?

It’s time for the planet earth and all upon it, to change from a third dimensional life force environment into a fifth dimensional environment. In order to evolve into this higher dimension, all current life forms on earth have to change physically, while for humans, changes on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels also need to be made. This kind of dimensional shift occurs quite often in the lower dimensions of this universe. One of the reasons why we can't see other dimensional life forms, even though they are all around us, is because we are not ourselves at a high enough energetic frequency to do so. Beings from higher dimensions can see us, and can move down to our density, but we can't move up until we are able to re-adjust our frequency levels (vibrations) to one that is infinitely finer.

At an unconscious spiritual level, Earth's population is aware that this dimensional change is already under way, and this is one of the reasons why fears about the future are rising to the surface of mass consciousness. Many people are feeling anxious, restless and unsettled, yet consciously are unable to say what it is that is making them feel this way. In the third dimension we have a very strong concept of death and destruction and fear that there will soon be an end to All That Is. And while this does have an element of truth to it because the world as we know it will cease to exist, this does not mean death or destruction. It simply means change.