


You are here simply for the experience. You are really not here to learn anything because on a higher level you actually know all that you currently need to know. If you look at the greater picture, you are here to have an adventure - an emotional adventure. No matter how you judge it - good or bad - it's all energy. You are here to have an emotional adventure - to learn to embrace all emotion without judging any of it.

 Emotions are ways of dealing with experiences in life, and ways of expressing oneself. E-motion could be described as Energy in Motion. It is the flow of life force that is being expressed by a person. 

Emotions expressed in the present as a way of dealing with the present are not good or bad. They are simply a way of dealing with what is there. Emotions sometimes get frozen and then replayed later, out of context. This often happens in traumatic situations. An overload of emotion gets stored up in the mind, and then it gets activated and repeated at a later time when some of the elements of the situation are a little similar. 

A great deal of human trouble comes out of just that: the replaying of emotions in the wrong context. Often people will vehemently defend their right to express their replayed emotions, and will produce elaborate justifications for why the emotions are just and right. One of the aims of Emotional Clearance is to turn the frozen energy in stored-up emotions into free energy that people can express themselves with in the present. When we embrace an emotional feeling, it is received by the brain, which converts it into electrical energy that flows through our body by means of the autonomous nervous system. We can often 'feel the charge' in our body associated with the experience of emotions. 

When this occurs, an electromagnetic field is generated around our body which attracts to us another person who has an identical electromagnetic field around their body - and the same emotional feeling in their heart. A person with anger in his heart will encounter many an angry person in his daily activities, giving the impression that he lives in an angry world populated by angry people. And so, this illusion will perpetuate itself until higher awareness enables him to change his thoughts/belief system, changing his emotional charge, which changes his field of attraction, and ultimately changes his perception of the world around him.