Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters are people who have mastered 3rd dimensional reality, and therefore leave 3rd dimensional form to pursue endeavors upon the dimensions of life-forms that exist beyond the 3rd dimension. In a similar manner, Earth has finalized her experience in the 3rd dimension, and is now striving to embody a fifth dimensional vibration as a whole, and become a Global Ascended Master herself. Ascension brings forth the gradual change of Earth's biology, each species working together to ascend at a parallel pace. At this time, each species upon Earth is moving up in vibration in parallel to Earth thus matching her overall increasing global vibration. 

Human ascension is difficult. There is no doubt about this. It is difficult because one must face their dark side, and their deepest fears. The heart must open to ascend. This is a necessity, and one must ask for it or it may not occur. Sometimes, the opening of the heart is emotionally painful. However, as the pain is processed in full, it leaves joy, passion, unity and divine union in its place. There is no other way than through the dilemma of the human fall in consciousness. Ascension cannot occur without processing and releasing that which no longer serves, including the pain and the fear.

 It is through the act of ascending that one will embrace a new awareness that is unity based. Unity based awareness holds no thought-form of destruction, and therefore destructive tendencies are transcended in full as one embraces such awareness. The path of ascension is difficult, the distortions many, the veils of illusion so thick that it is difficult for most in human form to see beyond them. But for those that are willing to see and push past the illusion, you shall be supported. At this time, all species except mankind have chosen to ascend. 

Such species include all plant kingdoms, all animal kingdoms, all mineral kingdoms, and the dolphins and whales which are conscious beings. As Earth increases to a high vibration (and the human form does not also increase in vibration), the higher vibration of Earth's surface will cause the meridians of the subtle bodies to become blocked. This will simply be the result of too much chi running through subtle bodies that are not designed to receive so much chi. As the meridians become blocked, disease will occur within the form over time. 

When you evolve to an evolutionary stage that is a higher vibration of love, then you are no longer aware of fear and conflict. You are not living in that world. It may be explained as disappearing; it may be explained as a split in your awareness or planet. When a moment arrives where there are enough points of consciousness on your planet - and this will not just be humanity; this will also be your animals, your plants, all life forms - when there are enough points of consciousness that go beyond the vibration of conflict and fear, then they separate into a new nucleus. A critical mass will have been achieved.