


Every night you sleep, and the next morning you wake up. If you had an argument with your friend yesterday, you will still have the consequences of that argument to face when you wake up. They don't disappear because you went to sleep. You will still be responsible tomorrow for what you did today. Re-incarnation is just like that. What you create will be there for you to face in your next life if you don't take care of it in this one, just like the consequences that you create today will be waiting for you tomorrow if you don't take care of them before you go to bed. You are always responsible for what you do, and your responsibility cannot be assumed by anyone else. When you die, you don't go to sleep. You go home, and you are very much awake. You are also a much larger you than you are now. That is your soul.

 The consequences that you created, but didn't experience before you died, do not disappear. They are waiting for you. You may think that you do not want to deal with them, but your larger you - your soul - does. In fact, it creates another lifetime just to do that. Once you start to look at things this way, you begin to do things differently. You treat people the way that you would like to be treated yourself. That is the Golden Rule. You don't have to be a Christian to appreciate the Golden Rule. Billions of Hindus and Buddhists, who believe in re-incarnation, understand exactly what it means. 

Reincarnation is a compassionate way of learning responsibility. It is not possible to do a wrong thing. You do what you do, and you experience the consequences of it. It’s that simple. If you don’t experience those consequences before you die, your soul creates another life so that you can. Your spirit will choose a body and environment appropriate for the experience it needs. What incarnates is another aspect of the same individuality, not the same personality. Being in a state of pure thought, with no physical body or emotions to make it want to take the easiest path, it may well choose a difficult life, either to atone for past deeds or as a means of learning. It may choose parents that give it a difficult childhood. It may take on the role of a mental or physical cripple. Hence the importance of accepting your lot in life, however arduous and painful it may seem, because your own inner self has chosen it. 

Eventually, you begin to treat other people the way that you want to be treated. You put yourself in your brother's shoes before you speak or act. You let yourself feel your brother’s pain. You become more tender and caring. You also become wiser. When you become completely loving and kind - without fear and without thought of harming others - you graduate from the Earth school. That is when reincarnation ends and another adventure begins. 

We begin our long evolutionary journey as evolving ‘Sparks of Spirit’, created out of and as a part of our Creator's own Being, particles of His own Spirit and Thought Force. Each newly created Spark of Spirit near the Godhead in time becomes the "Parent" of an extension soul of themselves, and thus the originator of an extended "family" of closely inter-related soul units. This "family" relationship with its original "Higher-Self" soul allows for a close inter-connection between the higher planes and the lower planes of existence.